Mixing & Mastering

from £250.00

Hit a brick wall with your production? Let us take the stress out of the equation with a full mix and master of your song.

Mixing & Mastering:
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Preparing Stems for Mixing

  1. Organize Your Project:

    • Name and number all tracks and remove unused ones before exporting stems.

  2. Clean and Edit:

    • Ensure your tracks are edited for timing and pitch.

    • Remove any unnecessary silence and ensure clean starts and ends.

  3. Solo and Mute:

    • Solo each track/group and mute any unintended noises or tracks not needed in the stems.

  4. Include Effects:

    • Keep effects on tracks and consider including dry versions for flexibility.

  5. Consolidate Regions:

    • Trim tracks to contain only the desired audio, with no extra silence.

  6. Check Volume Levels:

    • Avoid clipping and maintain headroom (around -3 to -6 dBFS).

    • Use 32-bit float files if tracks intentionally clip in EDM production.

  7. Export Stems:

    • Export each stem individually as WAV or AIFF files, starting at 0 bars.

    • Use the same sample rate and bit depth as your project.

  8. Include Reference Mix:

    • Provide a reference mix or a work-in-progress bounce to convey your vision.

  9. Documentation:

    • Create a document with essential details, including tempo, time signature, key, and mixing notes.

  10. Compression and Limiting:

    • Avoid excessive compression or limiting unless used creatively.

  11. Communication:

    • Discuss your artistic intentions and preferences with the mix engineer in advance.

  12. File Transfer:

    • Use a reliable file-sharing service to send stems and documentation.

  13. Backup Your Project:

    • Create a backup of your entire project after rendering stems.